Sunday, 1 January 2012

A Happy New Year

Hello again and A Happy New Year to all.

Yesterday I got back on to my blog, technical difficulties mean't I haven't been able to post for far too long.  But yesterday my wonderful husband got me back online.

 I have missed being part of the blogging community and seeing what others have been up to.   I am going to try and be more creative and  I am taking a leaf out of the blog of Erilyn, and am going to try and do something creative everyday. So yesterday I made some strawberry icecream,  it was such fun,  my dogs were beside themselves with the smell of cream wafting around the kitchen.

Before making the ice cream I  went to a lovely church service in St Mary's Church, Shudy Camps.  The church is beautiful inside and has some striking features,  the ceiling of the chancel has this design.

It is really beautiful and looks amazing when your looking up at it.
 It is a huge contrast to the chancel floor which has this geometric design in tiles.
 Around the walls some faces look down,  the wonders and woes that they have seen?
 I think that this one is smiling
Above the altar the stained glass window.   Its a wonderful piece of workmanship and I often look at it in awe.

Its lovely to be back,  thank you for visiting :)


  1. good to have you back Ruth, I had begun to wonder what had happened to you.

    Lovely pictures of the church, the roof panels are just beautiful.

  2. Hi Ruth - great to have you back! I have really missed your beautiful photos - just love the Chancel ceiling design and colour!

  3. It's lovely to be back, Thanks for your kind comments, Ruth

  4. Best Wishes Ruth for a Happy New Year. Hope you manage lots and lots of creative projects.
    Noticing beautiful art work counts too, it is a stunning ceiling.
    It was nice to hear you shared my drawings with the children. Looking forward to some of your gorgeous photographs in 2012.
